Article 21313

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Kukhtinova Lyudmila Georgievna, Doctor of economical sciences, associate professor, professor, sub-department of management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Vlasova Mariya Nikolaevna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The paper deals with studying the problems of improving the competitiveness of social services on the basis of the cluster approach.
Results. We defined the notion of social services, their influence on the human capital development and improving the competitiveness of human capital. We identified the role of the social services cluster in forming and developing human capital and improving competitiveness. We analyzed the theory and practice of the cluster approach, the terms and conditions of establishing scientific and production relations and clusters. We demonstrated the usefulness of the cluster approach in improving the competitiveness of social services in the region.
Conclusions. These results indicate the possibility of using the cluster approach in the field of social services. Creating a cluster of social services will improve the human capital development, as well as social services competitiveness. There are conditions for creating a cluster of social services in the region.

Key words

competitiveness of social services, human capital competitiveness, human capital formation and development, social service, social services, the cluster approach, a cluster of social services, characteristic features of the social services cluster.

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Дата создания: 25.09.2014 09:06
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 09:23